Become a member

Would you like to become part of the LoRa community?

Radio LoRa is backed by a large number of supportive association members. They contribute to the maintenance of LoRa operations - financially and through voluntary work. Radio LoRa is more than "just" a radio station. It is a meeting place and platform for various political groups, artist collectives and migrant communities. With its program and diverse projects, Radio LoRa sees itself as an active factor in political and cultural events in Zurich.

Radio LoRa is organized as a non-profit association and is run according to the principleorder to maintain our independence from commercial interests, we are financed by fees, membership fees, donations and project-related funding. A strong membership base ensures this independence!

As a member, you are entitled to vote at the annual general meetings, you can be elected to the committees and thus have a say in the future and direction of LoRa. You will be regularly informed about upcoming LoRa matters and projects and can get involved.

  • Membership: CHF 150.- per calendar year / half-yearly fee from July 1 (for new members) CHF 75.-
  • Students / pensioners (AHV, IV), holders of a Kulturlegi: CHF 75.- per calendar year / half-yearly contribution from July 1 (for new members) CHF 37.50. (For a reduced fee, please send a copy of your ID as proof to: Radio LoRa, Militärstrasse 85a, 8004 Zurich)
  • Institutions, associations and patrons: CHF 300.-

I wish to become a member of the Radio LoRa association and agree to its statutes:

Anmeldung LoRa-Mitgliedschaft