Arab Voices

Miko Peled's Comments on Palestine, and Jeremy Scahill on Israel's Lies to Justify & Slaughter Palestinians
During this episode of Arab Voices, we will talk about the ongoing Israeli genocide of the Palestinians.
We will air the recent comments of Miko Peled, Jewish activist, author, and human rights advocate, delivered on January 31, 2024, at a European Parliament Roundtable organized by The Left group in Brussels. Peled spoke on the hypocrisy and willful ignorance surrounding the Palestinian genocide, one that did not begin after October 7, 2023, but has been ongoing for 75 years.

We will also air a recent interview Democracy Now! conducted with Jeremy Scahill, a senior reporter and correspondent at The Intercept about his recent article headlined “Netanyahu’s War on Truth: Israel’s Ruthless Propaganda Campaign to Dehumanize Palestinians”. In that interview, Scahill talks about the Israeli lies about Hamas beheading babies and raping Israeli women on October 7, 2023, to justify and slaughter Palestinians.

Arab Voices aims at bringing the truth, facts, and realities to a wide and diverse range of listeners. It debunks many of the stereotypes, myths, and false information disseminated by certain media outlets, some politicians, and others.
Arab Voices is a syndicated program that airs on other radio stations in different cities in the U.S.A. and Europe.