Arab Voices

Ongoing Genocide against the Palestinians by Apartheid Israel, and Drs. Nimer Sultany & Noura Erakat on "Law and the Genocide"
In this episode of Arab Voices (# 1,112), we will continue to talk about the ongoing horrific genocide, war crimes, and ethnic cleansing committed by Apartheid Israel against the Palestinians, armed, supported, and funded by the United States government using US tax payers’ money. A genocide that since October 7, 2023, has killed over 35,000 Palestinians (mostly women and children), injured more than 78,000, and left most of the Gaza Strip destroyed! Over 11,000 Palestinians are missing and presumed killed under the rubble.
We will also air the remarks of Dr. Nimer Sultany, and Dr. Noura Erakat, delivered a panel titled "War and the Genocide" during the "World Academic Forum for Palestine: Genocide in Gaza", a transnational forum on the ongoing genocide in Gaza and urgently needed academic responses from across the globe, was held at the University of Houston on April 6-7, 2024. The forum was organized by Scholars Against the War on Palestine, a transnational coalition that brings together faculty, researchers, and graduate students to end the century-long colonial war on Palestine. The forum featured panels on law, medicine, history, theology, gender, education, and international politics, with nearly 50 expert speakers participating in person and online.
Dr. Nimer Sultany is a reader in Public Law at SOAS, University of London Law School. His research areas are public law, legal and political theory, comparative constitutionalism, public international law, and human rights law. He has authored numerous articles in leading legal journals and his book, Law and Revolution: Legitimacy and Constitutionalism After the Arab Spring (2017) was awarded the inaugural ICON-S book prize.
Dr. Noura Erakat is a human rights attorney and an associate professor in the Department of Africana Studies and the Program in Criminal Justice at Rutgers University. Her research interests include human rights law, humanitarian law, national security law, refugee law, social justice, and critical race theory. She is an editorial committee member of the Journal for Palestine Studies and a co-founding editor of Jadaliyya. She is the author of Justice for Some: Law and the Question of Palestine (2019).

Arab Voices aims at bringing the truth, facts, and realities to a wide and diverse range of listeners. It debunks many of the stereotypes, myths, and false information disseminated by certain media outlets, some politicians, and others.
Arab Voices is a syndicated program that airs on other radio stations in different cities in the U.S.A. and Europe.